Sunday, March 18, 2012

Wow. Apparently Some of My Writing Is Quasi-Autobiographical. Who Knew?

Her bed smelled slightly of choclate, her hair of lemon and hibiscus leaves and her hair tasted of strawberry. "I could make a Sarah tea", he said, "lemon-hibiscus-strawberry, with a hint of chocolate". She laughed. "Who would drink such a thing?" she asked. "I would", he replied, pinning her down with a kiss. Her bed was small, and they had to be careful not to fall off, or to disturb her roommate.

They had met at a "Women for Women International" fundraiser. It had taken him a month of coffee-dates to confirm she wasn't gay.* A dinner date soon followed.


* I am currently going through my papers and found this. I have indecipherable writing after in between the words "gay" and "a. Also, at the bottom of the page: "The candle flickers: A beacon of hope when I try to long to shed this yoke.

Tal Ilan. Rav Henkin, agunah stuff, rabbinic culture, heteronormativity, family."

I am guessing the last line was a list of things for me to research and write about. (Tal Ilan is an academic scholar on Judaism and women's issues, Rabbi Henkin also specializes in the topic.) Weird, how these small words can trace where I was when I wrote the scene above, the way I can see it fitting itno my life at that time. Going through papers is kind of like re-discovering yourself. Yup, I know that sounds corny -but thanks to my papers, I know I've always been corny. Yay!

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