Saturday, March 9, 2013

For Tzedekiah (Jeremiah 34)

Your lips upon his lips-
he binds you in chains.

You unchained the masses,
but their masters bound their wrists,
and you have forgotten the taste of her lips.

The people's lips have forgotten the taste of figs,
of cheese and wine, of words - only Jeremiah
remembers how to form letters with his tongue,
and with his words, he tries to bind you.

Your lips upon his lips,
he will carry you to a country with golden walls
where your dream of her lips:

Your chains are scented with myhrr and lavender.

My lips were scented with cinammon,
when I bound you with the tresses of my hair,
and when I feared the hollow places,
I gave you my breasts as your song,
my tears as your lamentation.

A swan with ruffled feathers
glides upon your beak:

 Unchain her, please, so I can bring her to the zoo, and earn a few dollars. I'd like to buy some lavender.

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